Saturday, March 11, 2017

Heroin Addicition

This is probably going to be one of the most important things I will ever write.  I am going to touch on a subject that is or has affected so many lives.  Not just the lives of the people that consume but the lives of the people that love and care for those that have afflicted themselves with this evil drug.
 First I must say that I by no means am I an expert nor do I claim to be.  I like so many others out there are not only learning day to day but experiencing this myself.  I am at a total loss as to why so many people, good decent people have chosen to give in to this epidemic.  To live their lives full of this madness that is sweeping our nation as a whole.
I have watched a very dear loved one go from healthy to down right sickly.  When I say sickly I mean a face that was sunken in, blotches all over, scars from picking, and even death.   I say death because in reality, she did die.  Not just in a physical state but a mental state as well. While I'm quite sure and understand exactly how Narcan works, it brought her back physically. Unfortunately, nothing can bring them back mentally.
This evil drug takes our loved ones into a world of it's own.  It consumes them like a fire consumes a log, burning rapidly out of control.  It takes them to depths you could never imagine. They do things that they may normally not do.  They steal, cheat, lie, and do whatever it takes to get that fix.  They don't care who they hurt in the process as long as they get what they need.
They don't see that their loved ones are suffering from their choices and nor do they care.  Their children, parents, and friends don't stand a chance.  You no longer matter.  Instead you get used and abused by them. You become a human punching bag, so to speak.  They hit you hard and low until you can't possibly take another hit.  They don't feel a .  NOTHING is as important to them but that next fix.
I have seen down right evil in the face of withdrawal.  Eyes that would laser through you and strike with just one look. Words of pure hatred spew out of the mouth that would have never spoken to you like that. Fists up and arms swinging to protect themselves from you getting in the way.  It's a very scary scene.  One I hope to never witness again.  All because the "high" was coming down and they had no way to get what they needed.
They scour the streets looking for anyone with anything.  They don't care that the dealers are putting other ingredients in the mix, they just want their drug.  Elephant tranquilizers are now in the mix and killing our loved ones faster than you could ever imagine. They don't care!  How sad.
This is just a part of this epidemic.  I haven't even touched on the emotional state of families and the babies being born addicted.  How children are left with no parents.  How grandparents are now raising their grandchildren.  How endless supplies of needles are being found for anyone to find.
Yes, I am dealing with an addicted loved one.  Everyday is hard. It brings endless supply of worry and stress.  I urge America to get involved and let's stop this.  For these dealers, it's all about money.  For us, it's about saving lives.  Unfortunately, they are winning.

Putting up with crap

Putting up with crap

Many people, especially me, put up with more crap on a daily basis than need be.
Why? Because I allow it!

1. Sick and tired of NEGATIVE people. Therefore, if you have nothing positive to bring forth.....step back. Nothing nice to say....shut up.

2. My kids are NOT perfect!!! Never did nor will I claim they are. I did my with it. Or better yet....YOURS

3. Last time I door isn't revolving. Sad but true. Sorry peeps that means it's not a place of business. Nope not a shopping center, laundromat, not even a BANK.

4. Guess what? I had a tubal years ago. I raised mine....RAISE yours.

5. My home is mine. Respect it or leave it.

6. My phone is mine. I pay that bill and therefore have the right not to answer it.  Meaning...I don't like talking on the phone! For one, people only call to bitch or because they want something from you. I don't have time for that crap so give it up.

7. Children.  NEVER use or try to use children as leverage. Shame on you! You will get what you deserve. Unfortunately, they won't.

Last but not least, I may not be rich, my house may not be what you want it be. But it's mine. I don't recall inviting anyone in for comments as to what I do with my home, my children, my life.  Don't like it? Don't invite yourself over.   Furthermore, if you do wish to visit my "palace", keep your children in check. I CAN NOT stand rude loud brats. There is nothing like a parent with no control. Yet they think it's cute. That's what's wrong with society today.  And yet you wonder why our future is at stake! HA!!

Ok, one last thing...DO NOT tell people you have their back if all you have it for is to talk behind it.  In the end, karma will repay you.

Finally at Peace

Finally at Peace I watched as you lay Each day I'd pray For God to keep you But he knew Each day you desired But yet you were...