Thursday, September 29, 2016

Moving Day

WOW!!!  How in the world did we accumulate so much stuff? It's just down right crazy. Funny thing is, you never even realized you had that much until it's time to move.  Well, now it's time to get down to business. It's time to move and you have to decide whether to keep it, give it away, or trash it. Always a fun job nonetheless.

Great, now it's time to gather boxes, newspaper, tape, and a marker.  Getting boxes alone is a job.  By the time you search all over the place, you could've done moved.  Then comes the packing. Where do you begin?  Upstairs? Downstairs? Garage? Does it even matter? Then there's the tedious job of wrapping the dishes and breakables.  Praying the whole time they don't get broken. Even if they survive the packing, will they survive the move?  Oh the worries!!!!

Next there is recruiting the help.  If anyone even shows up. Good help is sure hard to find.  You call everyone you know, even the babysitter.  You think or hope you have everything and everyone all lined up for the big move.  Now you just pray it all goes the way it's suppose to.

The big day is here.  Oh God forbid you are not ready. There are still things not packed, the dog is loose, and the kids are crying.  You don't know if you need a truck or a moving van.  All you know is that everything is chaotic.  Minutes seem like hours, hours seem like days and there is all this STUFF! Where in the world is this all gonna go?  Will this ever end?  You are worn to pieces and the family is stressed.  Phew!!! It's almost over.

Guess what?  Everything you just packed, taped and marked has been moved. You actually sit down to breath only to realize that everything you just have to UNDO.   Isn't moving day fun?

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