Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Big "One"


It's so exciting when your baby finally turns one.  You get to plan a big party and invite everyone to share this wonderful moment with you.  You just can't wait to see the face of that little one as he opens up his gifts, eats his birthday cake, and sees all his family. I mean what could be more exciting....right?

Well....I bet you didn't take into consideration that he might be a little confused. After all, he really has no idea what is going on. The fact that all these people are surrounding him, taking pictures, and shoving gifts at him might be a little intimidating. The poor baby probably just wants a nap.

You, however, you are in heaven. You just know this is the best day ever! You are surrounded by all the people who love your baby as much as you do. Everyone is happy and having fun and that's all that matters. Well to you anyway because your little one could care less. He doesn't have a clue as to what in the world is going on.

As he "digs" into the cake, liking it of course, he is now covered from head to toe in icing. A picture perfect scene of a happy baby. Boy what a mess! That's one mess you actually don't mind cleaning up because he is worth it.

The gift part is just a riot. In my many years of experiencing this on any given occasion, there's nothing better than the paper or box of which the gift came in. Unfortunately, after the third gift, they have lost all interest in this whole party thing. You now have become the gift opener. Even then, he already has focused on that one thing and there is no distracting him.

About half way through the party, your little one has had enough. He's tired and cranky. It's nap time!! You now have to wind down the party without your little "star" because as far as he is concerned, you are the one enjoying this the most.  He doesn't have a clue this was all for him in the first place. Thank goodness for the world of pictures.

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