Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Dreaded "Shots"


As many of you know, vaccines are required for your children. Let's be honest, who really wants to see their children getting those awful needles stuck in them? I know I didn't. I don't know who it makes feel worse, the child or the parent. Then again, it always depends on the nurse giving them. We have had some pretty awful nurses and some really good ones. I hated the ones who would come in like they were on a mission to see who could jab the hardest and fastest. It almost made you want to hold her down. Just saying.

Well, on that note, I have three grandsons. All of which got shots one day apart. Needless to say, maw maw's house was full of fever and grumpiness. God love them. It really makes for a long day when one doesn't feel good, not alone two. The two year old and the two month old were the two lucky ones, if that's what you want to call it, to get the side effects. Luckily, the one year old did rather well. He was still his old chipper self.

As all parents, grandparents, and caregivers know, these poor innocent children have no idea what's coming when they get to the doctors office. It's a shame we can't take it for them. We know it's for their own good but we still want to avoid anything that's going to make them feel bad. Even if it's helping in the long run.

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