Monday, October 17, 2016

Baby's First

We always anticipate all the firsts our baby will have. Some of them are easier to deal with than others. For some teething is either very painful or comes without problems at all. Then there's sitting up, first steps, and so on. All which we welcome with open arms.

Then there's those first we just don't anticipate, leaving them. There's nothing worse than having to leave your child in the hands of total strangers. I say strangers because we don't truly know the people at daycare or school. We like to think we pick the appropriate ones to care for our little ones. The  first day of daycare/school has approached and that dreaded saying bye has come. As you leave your child for the first time, he cries and although you want to, you must be strong. You walk very quickly to your car hoping to hold it in before you totally lose it. Now you have to pull yourself together before you enter your job. Leaving a long day of fear, panic, and sheer agony. Picking up your little one can't come quick enough.

I know it's hard. I had to as a single mother years ago. Now as a grandmother, I had to watch my daughter do the same. I must say, I didn't want them to go, I actually cried. It's taking every ounce of me not to call and check on him every ten minutes. I know we have to do what we have to do but boy is it hard!

So for every first we must endure, nothing prepares us for most. Just remember we have all had to do it. We will survive them. Also whats hard for you might not be as bad for them. Hang in there my new parent friends, it will all be ok.

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