Monday, February 6, 2017

Birthday Excitement

My grandson just turned three this week.  It was such a thrill to see how excited he was at his birthday party.  He was smiles all afternoon.

He walked around talking and greeting people with, "Sing Happy Birthday to me.", which was so cute.  He was so appreciative of anyone willing to take part.  He loves to sing it to everyone who has a birthday, so to him, this was a huge deal.  After all, he could sing this since he was one.

Then, the theme of course, Paw Patrol.  They were everywhere.  Banners, balloons, tableware, and even the cake. His all time favorite show.  He even got a birthday call from them.  How cool is that?  A call from your favorite characters, can't get any better than that.

Next, the gifts!!  Why oh why did mom start with those small ones?  He was so focused on that huge box. That's ok though because those smaller packages were everything and more.  Yes, more Paw Patrol and his other favorite M&M's.  How exciting for him.  Not only did the people who love him the most show up but they gave him all his favorite things.  What a great day for him.

As a mother and grandmother, watching these little ones have a great day and truly appreciate it, is what it's all about.

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