Friday, February 17, 2017

Too Tired

I am sure we all have those moments when we are just too tired.  Sometimes all you have to do is just sit down and that's it, it hits you like a bomb. BAM! The next thing you know, you wake up right where you sat.  

Life gets so chaotic sometimes that we forget to just sit back and take a breather.  We let ourselves get so run down and tired that it sneaks up on us without us even realizing it.  So when you finally do have a moment to just sit, it hits you.  It's a shame that we do this to ourselves in the first place.  I suppose it's because we are so afraid we might miss something.

I do believe that we need to stop and breath every once in a while.  Take that much needed break. Otherwise, what good are we to ourselves or others that depend on us.  If you are to tired to function or think, what good are you to yourself or anyone else for that matter? 

You Talking to Me

Don't you ever wonder exactly what someone is thinking?  People often tend to hide what they really think but sometimes all it takes is an expression on their face.  Although they may deny it if you ask them, that look says it all.

Most people don't have a problem telling other people what they think or how they feel.  I on the other hand am not like that.  I tend not to like hurting someone's feelings or making them feel insecure about things. I find myself having a hard time telling people about themselves.  I do, however, find it easier if someone continuously makes me feel attached.  Other than that, it's not that easy for me.

I often wonder, if because of how I am, if people can really tell by my expressions how I feel or what I am truly thinking.  I do believe I hide it well but one never knows for sure. How many times have you tried to hide the way you feel?  How about what you are really thinking?  Isn't it funny?

I just wish sometimes that we could all be honest about things. Honestly it's hard because people take things the wrong way or get so offended that you just try to keep the peace.  Crazy huh?

Monday, February 6, 2017

My Enemy

So it's the beginning of the new year and everybody has their mind in workout mode. Everybody is joining their favorite gyms, getting their diets in order and prepping their minds.  It's a great thing if you stick with it.

I have joined the gym back in December, and let me tell's not easy to work some of these machines.  I have to tell you first of all, I hate exercise.  I am no way a fan and would absolutely love to be a size 0 but let's face the facts....NOT HAPPENING.  So on that note, I have to take it like a trooper and get my butt moving.  If it weren't for my best friend, I'd still be on the couch.

This is for ALL you people out there like me, it's about mindset.  I'm learning to deal with it and even though I haven't seen the scale move a lot, I have noticed my clothes are fitting differently.  It is truly a good feeling.  I am definitely a  "gotta see it now" person, so this slow process is hard for me. Just remember, do not get discouraged.  The payoff will come.

I am determined to stick with it and conquer my enemy.  My enemy believe it or not is a specific machine.  I went from not being about to do it to doing eight in less than a week. I know it's not a lot but soon, very soon,  I will be a beast on it.

Birthday Excitement

My grandson just turned three this week.  It was such a thrill to see how excited he was at his birthday party.  He was smiles all afternoon.

He walked around talking and greeting people with, "Sing Happy Birthday to me.", which was so cute.  He was so appreciative of anyone willing to take part.  He loves to sing it to everyone who has a birthday, so to him, this was a huge deal.  After all, he could sing this since he was one.

Then, the theme of course, Paw Patrol.  They were everywhere.  Banners, balloons, tableware, and even the cake. His all time favorite show.  He even got a birthday call from them.  How cool is that?  A call from your favorite characters, can't get any better than that.

Next, the gifts!!  Why oh why did mom start with those small ones?  He was so focused on that huge box. That's ok though because those smaller packages were everything and more.  Yes, more Paw Patrol and his other favorite M&M's.  How exciting for him.  Not only did the people who love him the most show up but they gave him all his favorite things.  What a great day for him.

As a mother and grandmother, watching these little ones have a great day and truly appreciate it, is what it's all about.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Pure Love

The purest love of all comes from a child.  They love unconditionally and without judging.  They may be small humans but they are the wisest of us all when it comes to feelings.

Children have a great sense to how they feel about things and people.  They can love you but still want to be left alone at the same time.  Unlike adults, who seem to want one or the other.  Children have a keen sense when it comes to people,  They can sense good and bad, so you should trust their judgment.

I know one thing for sure, the love of a child is something to cherish.  When they wrap those little arms around your neck, you instantly feel love like nothing you will ever experience.  It is a great thing to have a child trust you to feel safe and loved.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Are you ready for the Superbowl?  Millions of Americans are all pumped up and ready to cheer on their favorite teams.  Even though this is one of the biggest sporting events that is anticipated, it's about much more.

Let's be real, many people don't just watch this event for the game.  It's all about the commercials and entertainment.  Top dollars are paid to get an advertising spot, we are talking millions for a 30 second spot.  Sorry to say, these commercials are why most people even watch the Superbowl.

Now if you think it's all about football and commercials, you are wrong.  Let's talk about the half-time show. We are talking major entertainers such as Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars and many more.  These performances are what makes the Superbowl even more exciting and worth watching.

That's not all, what about the parties?  A Superbowl party is probably one of the biggest party days of the year.  Tailgating, beer, and fans are what make the party.  The more the merrier.

Millions of Americans, football, fans, commercials, and entertainment are what it's all about.  May the best team win.

Finally at Peace

Finally at Peace I watched as you lay Each day I'd pray For God to keep you But he knew Each day you desired But yet you were...